Jesse, a Ruthless Sheriff

ISBN [Edição Impressa]: 9789897825910

The author, who is truly curious about what goes on and went on in the world, decided to call on his memories from his youth, when there was a constant call for literature and movies about the adventures that took place in the American Wild West, and fulfilled his dream of writing about that time that fascinated him so much.

The author took for granted that other young people of his time, lived the same dreams and the present work was also for them to be able to fulfill their dreams and feed their memories.

The author has chosen a town for his narrative, a town that exists in official “Ghost Town” status; a mining town, whose silver mines made many people rich and gave rise to many adventures.

In the narrative there is no shortage of cowboys, bandits, adventurers, gamblers, harlots, and the sheriff and his deputies who carried out the thorny mission of enforcing the law and safety in their jurisdiction.

The work will have many flaws and inaccuracies, but, even so, it was only possible to make it with a lot of research and a trip – albeit virtual – to the United States of America, more specifically to the State of California, the region where the most iconic adventures of the Old Wild West took place.

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